Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 6 - Tendin' To the Garden

Thursday, Day 6 I think
It’s our last day at Youth Works and I don’t want to leave. The last two days my group has been gardening which has been awesome because I love gardening! We weeded a bunch and beautified a garden. The boys in our group seem to be the hardest workers. A woman running the garden told us she didn’t want us to work all day in the heat, but we just left to go to another site. We ended up meeting up with another group on a farm/camp. I have been so in touch with nature the whole week and it is breath taking. I love getting my hands dirty, literally. I gardened so much and was given the name “the barefoot worker” at our site yesterday. I really feel like I am doing a lot of work because I can see it physically and emotionally through the people I meet. I keep thinking that our group can’t get closer or the trips can’t get better but they always do. I love all the freshman so much and I am so excited that I get to spend one more year with them. I also am very inspired to lead like the staff of Youth Works. I love everyone here so much and I am so upset that we’re leaving, but I AM SO EXCITED TO GO WHITE WATER RAFTING! We just have to come back right after. Is there a way I could just sign up for every week? It’s pretty warm here, but I don’t really mind. We have gotten a chance to go swimming and it feels extra refreshing because of the temperature. I actually heard that there was an excessive heat warning in Royal Oak at 94 degrees; try 100 while gardening all day! I feel like I should say I want to come home in case my parents are reading this, but I really can’t. I wish I could stay longer. I hope Michigan isn’t too hot. See you soon!


July…uhm….18, 2013
Day 6, youth works mission trip in… new york.
  It’s been a terribly hot day I must say. Why I also believe that it seems to be “Saint Pirate’s day”, so set sail me mateys or ye walk the plank! aaaaahahahahah!  Swab the poop deck you bilge rats!  Scallywags! yahrrrrr!  be bucko!
But in any rate, the heat was nearly unbearable this day for I had to take many water breaks in ye olde shade of the tree next to the table from whereth we eateth. As I drinketh my cold water in ye olde shade under the tree from whereth we eateth,  I remember earlier in the day, working the garden from which was grown for the community with the name of…Outreach. Our job was to help a lady of a kind nature named Herda of Germany, by helping her rid of the unwanted plants in this highly organized garden of vegetables of various kinds. We had restored the quality of the garden by easily over nine-thousand…percent. Later in the day of heat called Thursday we moved on to a camp called the Jesus is Lord camp, we assisted those who were already at work, restoring tables for picnics, adding mulch to the many gardens, and tending the chickens.
‘twas a great day indeed.

~Tyler Vincent

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 5 - Hot Sand & Ice Cream!

Day 5:
Miranda and Moriah  (Morianda)
Hey y’all, as our youth leader Stephen would say. Is today day five already? We are having so much fun, and today was just a continuation of that fun. For me, Miranda, the day began with Kids Club, where I planned a bible lesson for eight rambunctious children. One kid in particular, named Brice, really connected with me. He was extremely bright and had an amazing memory! When I was reading a story (from a kid-friendly book about Jesus) he sat next to me and every time I finished a page he offered to carry the book around so everyone listening could see the pictures. Although I am a veteran in childcare on mission trips, including a trip to another Youthworks site, this was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The kids were under a specific disciplinary policy that was focused around love and not punishment, something different to what I’ve been taught. Though I got to our afternoon activity a little late, it was well worth it. For me, Moriah, the day began bright and early with breakfast duty! I had to wake up half an hour earlier than my roomies, but at least I got my chore for the day out of the way (unlike Miranda who cleaned up our breakfast mess). After, we went to my worksite, which today was an organization in Warrensburg called Beautification. We went to four separate sites, where we weeded and mulched until we were drenched in sweat. My favorite part was meeting this woman who was on the board of the organization. She was the most active grandma I have ever met, participating in skiing black diamonds, kayaking, and hiking on a weekly basis. I hope I’m in as great of shape as she is when I get that old! My other fav part of the day was watching a tiny beetle cross the road. He dodged at least five cars along the way, including one massive semi truck. We were all cheering for him! After a long sweaty day in the sun doing God’s work , we all met up at the beach! It was heavenly (get it cause we’re on a mission trip)!! We got to bond with everyone in STAGE and all the other groups here! The sand burned our feet in a wicked volleyball match, but it was easily the most fun we’ve had the entire trip! It was so nice to meet new people and cool off after a long day. The night should finish up with some ice cream and STAGE time, and then we have one more day here at Youthworks! Wish us luck!

~Moriah and Miranda

Day 5 Continued…
Hey guys! Wow I can’t believe we already completed day 5! These days are just flying by, but so much is being accomplished on the way. My group, AKA “Wisdom”, had our first day out of kids club. As much as we loved hanging out with all the kids, we finally had to get down to the dirty work today. Today we ventured off to “Jesus is Lord” campground and helped out there by finishing up some prior projects. We started off with hauling branches and sticks into a huge dump truck. As we were hauling branches through the bug infested forest we still had enough energy to sing songs. I loved singing with all the kids in my group as we worked and it just made the project so much more bearable. As the day went on the projects continued. We kept hauling, but we moved on to pine needles that they could use as mulch. We kept up the hard work and got a lot accomplished to the point where we even got to start more projects helping out. Even though the weather is blazing hot and hard to bear, thankfully our group didn’t get hit too hard with the bug infestation. After a long days work, all groups got a well deserved time at the beach. All groups headed to “Million Dollar Beach” that was located on a shore of Lake George. The water felt so refreshing and it was filled with lots of laughs and a couple sunburns. When it was finally time for dinner we all came back for a Taco Fiesta which as quite the meal. But wait there is more! After dinner, for our evening snack, we got to go the Martha’s for ice cream. They are known for their 300 plus flavors, but only offering 15 a day. The ice cream was the cherry on top of a wonderful day out. As we came back to the church to finally settle in for the night, we ended with CLUB and Youth Group time. These are perfect ways to settle down and reflect on our days. These days should feel so long, but as it’s happening it flies by in the blink of an eye. Oh did I mention I fell into the lake today during my work project? Yeah it was kinda embarrassing… But I need to get ready for bed. Tomorrow is our last full day!  Hard to believe right? YouthWorks really knows how to keep kids busy!


Day 4 - Rock on.

Day 4: 
The day started long, but with a dinner of waffles, applesauce, juice, and cereal everyone quickly found enough energy to start the day off officially with Devotionals. We read and answered questions about how God pursues us even though we are broken. Then after our Youth Leader revealed that several small sheep figures had been hidden around the church. On that note we headed out to our missions. Being in the ‘Strong’ group, I returned to the home of a woman named Nancy with her husband; Stan and daughter; Claudia. We set out to finish what we had started the day before: weeding Nancy’s garden and painting the siding and porch of their over 100 year old home. While the sun was working its way in to the sky Jackie, Madeline, and I ripped out invasive weeds and mint plants that had rooted themselves in the garden. I was hard work, and very sweaty once the sun had gotten higher, but it was nice to see how good it looked when we had ripped it out. Once we had gotten what we could in the garden I went to help with the porch painting. I painted the spokes of the porch railing until lunch with the company of Madi, Megan, and Madeline. Then at 12 we beaked for lunch. Nancy was kind enough to bake us cookies and we all were very hungry. After lunch our work was resumed; double time! We knew we weren’t going to be coming back to Nancy’s house and wanted to get everything done. I finished the railing and swept up while the other guys finished up other walls. And then we bid Stan, Nancy, and Claudia a fond farewell, we got hugs and watermelon and Stan gave us 2 beautiful walking sticks.
After all that work we were glad to get showered and back to the church. We had about 20 minutes for a quick cat-nap before we had to head down stairs and help prep dinner: Pizza, salad, and watermelon. It was delicious! Then we went to one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my whole life: A park filled with natural rock caves and bridges. Completely all natural no blasting or anything, just paths made of wood and stone. I can’t express how gorgeous it was; the water rushing down over the rocks, and through several underground caves that you could go into, to just look at the water rushing around you. It was such a great time; you could just sit on a rock by the river and take in God’s great earth. Now it’s off to bed and hopefully another great time tomorrow!

   Written by: Connie Huseltine 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 3 - Beautiful!

Day 3:
Yay mission trips! So today was our first day of working and you know, being at the place and let me say, I’m pretty okay with this being my last trip. I really like the group I work with and the work we did today was pretty great too. If you’re wondering, my group went to this woman, Nancy’s, house and have been scraping away the old paint and putting on a fresh coat. Let me just put it out there that Nancy is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She was so happy that we were there and she made us pink lemonade, brownies, water melon, and pretzels! Also, she adopted a mentally handicapped child (who’s now 18) named Claudia who was also super nice, helping out with the painting and talking to us. I’m really excited to go back there tomorrow! J And if all that isn’t enough to make for a great trip, the scenery out here is absolutely GORGEUS! Everywhere you look are mountains covered in forest and the sky is blue with those fluffy clouds that make everything happier, it’s just fabulous.      

                Our first day of working consisted of planning and then playing with kids at “Kids Club”.  My group was in charge of planning games for the time we spend outside and songs to sing in between stations.  Luckily Nathan has taught us plenty of silly songs and games so the kids loved it.  Even though the kids are a little crazy they’re hilarious, while playing an intense game of four square a little girl threatened me by saying she would put me in a sausage.
                Aside from working today a ton of bonding happened not only between STAGE but within our working groups.  It seems like STAGE has a ton of juniors and seniors and then a lot of incoming freshman, so you would think we would be separated.  But we have gotten so close despite the age difference.  Chloe, Erin, and I totally bonded over Saturday Night Live skits and were cracking up, I’m so happy we got to know each other better even if it’s over something weird, it’s awesome making new friends on this trip.  In my working group at first we were separated by churches in the morning but by the time all of the kids left we had gotten over the awkwardness and became closer.  It was pretty cool.
                After working we had dinner which was surprisingly good because it was something I usually ask my mom to make for me so I was happy.  Then we went for a beautiful hike, although there was some pretty rough parts on the path it was so pretty and it was fun to just walk and talk with everyone after being apart all day.  Coming back to the church and seeing my stage friends again is the highlight of my day!

Day 2 - A long long long drive.

Day 2: 
The day started with the boys cabin accidentally waking up and showering at 6:30 in the morning; an hour ahead of schedule. The time was passed by playing various card games (Egyptian Rat Screw) where Eric  McChesney won. After breakfast at 9-ish, we packed up the luggage, loaded up the vans, and we were put into groups for each of the 3 vans, and promptly started going the wrong direction to the final destination. The car ride was long, filled with false-hopes and let-downs, but we prevailed. The biggest cause of our troubles was when I-90 was shut down, forcing us to take alternate routes through the rural cities of New York. But when things seemed bleak, positive attitudes and energy came to the rescue. Many different games were played throughout the 11-hour drive (Normally 6 hours) many friends were made by the extensive bonding activities taking place during the detoured trip. Once we finally got there, we have gotten dinner and met the staff. Later, all the other groups came together for Club, where we all met each other and had a tournament of a game similar to rock, Paper, Scissors but we used Lumberjack, Tree, and Raccoon. Then we sang a few songs and worship activities, and then separated the youth groups by their groups and reflected on our adventure.

Tyler & David

Day 1 - Camp Findley

Day one; 
We started driving to New York at 11am. We got to our campsite for the night in New York in the afternoon and then we unloaded the vans and set up our cabins that we were sleeping in.  After that we had a campfire and looked for marshmallow sticks in the woods.  We also played some name games to get to know some of the people better that we didn’t know.  My favorite was one where we were tossing balls to each other and had one going forward, one going in reverse and then a cone of water that we had to get to the other person as fast as possible.   Then we made hobo dinners and they were delicious!  We ate our hobo dinners and a few of us practiced for a skit.  After we sang a bunch of campfire songs with Nathan and he played his guitar.  Then we did a skit on all the different gifts that God gives us.  After that Erin and David sculpted us into how we are all connected in STAGE.  After that we roasted marshmallows and some of us went on a walk down to the lake where Tyler fell in.  But don’t worry he’s ok.  Then we came back to our cabins and got ready for bed.  For tomorrow I’m excited to get to Youth Works!  

By:  Maddie Koster

ps. Pictures to come!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Gearing Up For New York!!!

Tomorrow we (29 strong!) head towards Upstate New York for our 2013 Mission Trip.   Keep us in your prayers that our travels are safe, that we open our selves fully to being God's instruments for the week, and that we too experience a deepening of faith through the adventures to come. 

Youth will update this blog daily so keep coming back for stories and pictures from the week!