Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Orleans Day 2

2012 Nation Gathering Day 2

Today we went to the French Market and there were restaurants and a flea market and I got some sunglasses.  When we had walked through the flea market we headed the opposite direction and ate lunch at an outdoor café with a band and ate alligator sausage.  While we were on the way back we stopped a store that sold only salsa and several of us tried the second hottest salsa in the store called “Death by Salsa” and we didn’t try the hottest because you had to be 18 in order to try and Nathan chickened out.  Then we came back and regrouped before going to the Superdome, (where I lost my sunglasses) for the mass gathering which was way cool and the speakers were great and then it started pouring rain and we walked back to the hotel soaked from head to toe except for Laura who had a poncho.  So far the trip has been great and I’m not homesick although I do wish my mom was here.
- Nick


Unknown said...

Glad you are having a great time, I wish I were there to share the experience with you! I don't think you are meant to have sunglasses!

Christina said...

hot salsa!!!

also... you guys should try to find an adult leader from either california or oregon by the name of katie buck. she's a seminary classmate of mine and she's awesome-sauce!

miss you guys!! hope you're having a ton of fun!