Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Orleans Day 6

Our final day went by way too fast! It started at nine in the morning...yay. We went to a Sunday worship with lots of music and high spirits. And you will never believe ware the next Lutheran gathering will be...DETROIT!!!! Now everyone is pumped. When we left we came to the conclusion that we were all very hungry... so as all hungry people do we went to subway. We were in line for about half an hour, but it was  well worth it! We then went on a swap tour. A giant group of us got on a boat and went out. They were every ware! Alligators big, small, and extra large! They would swim right up to the boat. Then(if it could get any crazier) the tour guy unfolded a ramp and got out of the boat and fed them! He would put meat on a stick and dangle it above the water and the "gaders" would jump out of the water to get it. And if could get any stranger, Our guide got back in the boat and out of no ware pulled out a baby alligator. It was about a foot and a half long and he had its mouth taped shut. And you will never guess the best part... yup he let each of us hold it! He(or she) was very interesting to hold, his stomach was soft and his back was very hard like armor plates. He also passed around leeches (in a glass jar don't worry!) they were gross. Really gross. we headed back to eat and found a great restaurant that was a great final eating place. We all had a wonderful time and each of us has gotten closer to god and we will come home stronger and more involved people. This trip has opened up our eyes to the wonders and horrors of the world. We are truly grateful that this opportunity has came to us and we will never forget this!

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