Sunday – Day 1 (Part 1 by Jackson)
Yesterday started off a little rocky, one kid slept through
their alarm and another had a car accident on the way to Cana. But after the little confusion the trip got
underway with three different groups all having a game of tag trying to speed
up and catch each other, we had a little rain to started but the rest was muggy
but clear. Each bus had their own activities like movies or game but everyone
had the great pleasure to enjoy Nathans homemade mix tapes with every genre in
the world, although it was a little bit of a moshposh of genres. I think everyone had a good but long trip down and is excited to
continue getting closer to the lord and help others find him too.
“Cheezy” Berger
Sunday - Day 1 (Part
2 by Dave)
As we were about to turn onto the dirt road to the camp, we
decided to go about 20 feet further (on accident) so we could enter North
Carolina. We can check that state off the list, too. After following the
various confusing signage, we made it to the camp. As usual, we were late. We
had yet to eat so we decided so head down to Brothers Copper Kettle Oven, where
we would have some sort of unknown food. It was closed, so we instead went to
Hardees. It was definitely a downgrade. After eating and refilling the gas
guzzler called the POG van, we headed back to the camp site for chapel. We were
late again. After sneaking in through the back, we sat through a pretty decent
service, saw some rules videos, and set the overall tone for the camp. It’s
looking like it’ll be a good week.
-David Bluhm
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