Monday, July 14, 2014

2014 MTrip: DAY 2 - by Maddie & Miranda + Moriah

Monday - Day 2 (Part 1 by Maddie)

Today at our mission site we started off working and making repairs on a woman’s house.  There was a lot to be done and the work was all around different areas outside of the house.  Some people started on the roof.  It was a scary job, trying to get at a good angle while being able to scrape off two layers of shingles and pull out nails.  The other half of us started redoing the deck.  We started off on the ramp portion and pried off the boards from the frame of the ramp.  As we took more boards off we worked on nailing brand new boards down.  It took us the whole day and it was very hot and tiring, but by the end of day one we had taken off the shingles of half the roof and built a stronger, nicer looking ramp.  Hopefully tomorrow we accomplish even more!
                                                                                                                                                -Maddie Koster

Monday - Day 2 (Part 2 by Moriah & Miranda)

As graduating seniors, we have been on five mission trips prior to Tennessee. All of the trips have involved our group splitting up and on a variety of tasks in the community. This year is a little different. For the first time, all of S.T.A.G.E.  is together and taking on one major project.  For us this change of pace was greeted with initial concern because we love meeting new people, but after today we can tell how much the trip will benefit our group’s connection. Already we can see the group supporting and uplifting one another in ways we never have. With so many youngsters, us seniors think this has really bonded the group, and it’s only Monday! The two of us worked on the roof almost all day. To be honest, it was initially quite terrifying. Putting our lives in the hands of measly 2x4 boards was not necessarily ideal. However, as the day went on we began to trust in each other… and the roof. Our mission for the next three days is to remove all the shingles and nails from the roof and replace them with brand new supplies. As of today we have already finished clearing about 60% of the roof! After work, we had a lot of time to “just chill” and clean up. We then attended the evening worship where we focused on the themes of brokenness and redemption. Even though we’re only a day in we realize a lot can be learned from the leaders and the message could be valuable for the rest of our lives. We’re having so much fun and we can’t wait to see y’all Saturday.
Moriah and Miranda <3 p=""> 

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